Kamis, 18 Desember 2008

Wisma Sakinah - Semarang

Wisma Sakinah adalah tempat penginapan yang nyaman berlokasi dijantung barat kota Semarang kurang 5 menit dari Bandara Ahmad Yani Semarang. Wisma Sakinah menawarkan 17 kamar dengan kamar mandi di dalam, air panas dingin, telepon tiap kamar, air conditioned, TV, lemari es, musholla, karaoke, makan pagi  dan tempat parkir yang aman.

Wisma Sakinah tempat yang tenang dan nyaman untuk tamu anda, baik tamu-tamu dari Instansi Pemerintah, perusahaan swasta maupun perorangan.

Alamat ____: Jl. Kumudasmoro Barat No. 24, Semarang 50148

Telepon ____: 024-7623460, _024-91176311

Faksimili ___.: 024-7623460

Hand Phone : 081586009343 (Sigit)                          

__________08170582744 (Teddy)                          

__________081511559976 (Bambang)

Website ___: wisma-sakinah.com

Email _____: marketing@wisma-sakinah.com

Hotel dan Restoran Surya Indah - Batu Malang

Berbagi kebahagiaan dan keceriaan bersama Anda adalah suatu kehormatan bagi kami.

Di tengah sejuknya embun pagi kota Batu yang dikelilingi oleh indahnya panorama pegunungan Arjuna yang menawan atau menyaksikan kota malang malam hari, adalah suatu pengalaman yang menakjubkan.

Hotel dan Restoran Surya Indah merupakan hotel wisata yang terletak di kawasan yang tenang, jauh dari keramaian kota

Lokasi : Jl Oro-oro Ombo No.202 Batu, Malang

kapasitas : 112 Kamar dgn beragam type

Hall yang luas dapat menampung sekitar 600 orang

Fasilitas kolam renang, lapangan tennis, parkir yang luas

Lalu tatkala matahari terbit, kesejukan dan ketenangan khas persawahan dan pegunungan yang jauh dari hiruk pikuk serta polusi, akan menyapa Anda untukmelengkapi kebahagiaan, menghilangkan kepenatan serta memberikan nuansa yang lain dari yang biasa Anda rasakan.

Dengan adanya gedung yang luas,kapasitas yang besar serta pemandangan sekitar yang sejuk dan nyaman, semoga Hotel Surya Indah dapat menjadi salah satu pilihan Bapak/Ibu dalam berlibur / retret/metting/wedding atau acara lainnya bersama keluarga ataupun rekan lainnya. Semoga Hotel kami dapat berbagi kebahagiaan dan keceriaan bersama Anda yang adalah suatu kehormatan bagi kami.



The Moment you set your at SATIVA SANGGRALOKA Hotel you will experience the ambiance, the realm and the grandeur of ancient Majapahit. The experience you will never get anywhere else. Based upon a long research over what was The Majapahit Kingdom, the rooms and cottages at Sativa Sanggraloka Hotel - Pacet are built as ancient Majapahit houses, complete with gates, walls, even pillars of the are, combined with modernity and luxury

Raya Pacet Km.3 - Pacet 61374
Mojokerto - East Java - Indonesia
Ph.  +62 321 690227,690228,692330,691331
Fax. +62 321 690229
E-mail: info@sativahotels.com
Jl. Kutei 22 Surabaya
Ph.   +62 31 5680330,5682714,5684165
Fax.  +62 31 5679121

Rabu, 17 Desember 2008

Roemahkoe - Solo

At Roemahkoe, grecious living in a mix of subtle sophistication and unique elegance. The style of Roemahkoe is very much inspired by great Javanese traditional and architecture.

Roemahkoe Bed & Breakfast consist of 13 bedrooms, featuring air-conditioner, hot &  cold water, and nice bathroom. The room open up to a terrace with the view of the gardens.

Enjoy easy reading at the reading room, and taste delicious Solo specialities such as Nasi   Liwet and Wedang Dongo at the Laras Restaurant. Learn about Batik, how to play Gamelan, or have your future read by Javanese astrology or Primbon, are some of Javanese traditions that can be explored at Roemahkoe

Hotel Regents Park - Malang

Pada tahun 2008 ini, kami melengkapi fasilitas fasilitas yang tentu saja special untuk pengunjung Malang Regent's Park Hotel. Sebuah gebrakan baru di kota Malang kami sajikan dengan menghadirkan Restaurant Japanese Sushi Hana. Pada tahun ini pula kami telah menyelesaikan renovasi pada semua kamar, ruang meeting dan ballroom. Dan pada kamar Deluxe & Suite disediakan fasilitas Runner. Bahkan treatment Ayurveda & Hot Stone sudah kami sediakan di Regent's Spa, Selain itu fasilitas lain seperti Hot Spot dan perubahan atmospher hotel akan semakin kami tingkatkan demi kenyamanan Anda tinggal di Hotel kami.

Kami menawarkan harga kamar maupun paket pertemuan yang sangat terjangkau, tanpa mengurangi kualitas dan pelayanan bagi Anda. Kami yakin, Anda akan memilih hotel kami sebagai tempat yang terbaik untuk mengadakan acara.

Kami tunggu kedatangan Anda di Hotel kami.


Jl. Jaksa Agung Suprapto 12-16, Malang 65111
P.O. Box 140 East Java, Indonesia
Ph. 62 341 363 888 (hunting), 362 966
Fax. : 62 341 354 888, 355 888
e-mail: regent@indo.net.id; customer@hotelregentspark.com

Hotel Quality - Makasar

Welcome to The Quality Hotel Makassar Website.

The Quality Hotel Makassar is the first international four star business hotel with personalized and efficient services in Makassar.

Located is absolutely water frontage and closed to the central business district, Government office and Governor's Mansions. Just within a short walking distance of Makassar's famous nightlife and overlooking the ocean with magnificent evening sunset. With our philosophy services is "it's the extra care that count" we make guest will get their expectation.

Once again welcome and thank you for selecting our website and wishing you pleasant surfing with us.

Jl. Somba Opu No. 235 Makassar 90111

Telp. (62-411) 333111

Fax. (62-411) 333222

South Sulawesi - Indonesia

Permata Krakatau Hotel & Golf Course

Welcome to Permata Krakatau Hotel & Golf Course, we hope that you will take full advantage of our services and Amenities during your stay.

Convenieny located in the centre of the industrial city of Cilegon yet surrounded by natural greenery, our hotel is less than one hour's drive from Jakarta and 20 minutes from the famous Anyer beach and resort area.

Hotel Address

JL.H.Yasin Beji No.4-6 , Cilegon. Indonesia.

Phone : Hotel : 0254 396807/08

               Golf : 0254 372030/372031

Faximile : Hotel : 0254 396809

                   Golf : 0254 385319

E-mail :info@permatakrakatauhotel.com

Hotel Mirama - Balikpapan

Head Office

Jalan APT.Pranoto No.16 Balikpapan

East Kalimantan.

Telp. 0542 - 412442

Fax. 0542 – 734230

E-mail. mirama@indo.net.id Website. www.hotel-mirama.com

Hotel Mesra - Samarinda

Welcome Hotel Mesra 300 rooms consisting of standard, superior, deluxe, suite and cottage. Each room has individually controlled air-conditioning and is equipped with bathtub or jacuzzi, international direct dial telephone, internet hot-spot, multi system television with satellite program and in-house video movies, radio, mini bar and balcony or terrace.

Jalan Pahlawan No 1, Samarinda 75123, Kaltim INDONESIA

Tel. 0541-732772, Fax 0541-741017

e-mail : hotelmesra@mesra.com



   Jl. Raya Karang Bolong, Desa Cikoneng, Anyer Kidul

   P.O. Box 10, Anyer 42466 Banten

   Phone :+62(254) 601602 Fax : +62(254) 601723

   email : mambruk@mambruk.co.id

Gedung Pesona    
Jl. Ciputat Raya No. 20 Kebayoran Lama Jakarta    
Phone : +62(21) 72895454 / 70728530 Fax : +62(21) 72897033    



JL. SISINGAMANGARAJA / AMALIUN NO.1 MEDAN (20125) NORTH SUMATERA - INDONESIA TEL (62-61) 7358000, 7368800 (HUNTING), FAX (62-61) 7367779

Losari Coffee Plantation – Resort and Spa - Yogya

Losari Coffee Plantation – Resort and Spa is located nine hundred meters above the plains of Central Java near the cities of Yogyakarta, Solo, and Semarang. Eight majestic mountains surround Losari’s twenty-two hectares: Mount Telomoyo, Mount Andong, Mount Merapi, Mount Ungaran, Mount Sumbing, Mount Sindoro, Mount Merbabu, and Mount Perahu. This setting provides the ideal locale for an escape from the ordinary and luxurious living in communion with nature’s simple serenity.

During the Dutch Colonial time, it was an active coffee plantation of 22 hectares. For years it was abandoned and unmanaged. This heritage site is now restored and transformed into an exclusive Eco Resort & Spa with outstanding facilities blending Colonial, Javanese and Contemporary Architecture. All the private villas and public spaces are hidden away between the lush vegetation. A visitor’s first impression of the resort will be that of living in an old Javanese coffee plantation. The ambience is relaxed, serene and evocative of a bygone era.

Hotel LORIN - Solo

LORIN Business Resort elegant rooms, suites and spacious bungalows provide every comfort from Batik bathrobes, individually controlled air conditioning to colour television with global satellite and in-house videos.A choice of restaurants to cater to every taste Dine alfresco on delicious Western cuisine overlooking sparkling lagoons sample authentic Indonesian 

La P’tite Kepa - Alor

Homestay & Diving

Diving and Accommodation in the heart of Alor archipelago,

far east of Indonesia.

A perfect spot to explore some of the world's most exciting dive site,

the alorese traditional life style and the unspoiled nature

of these off the beaten track islands.

Come to visit us in ALOR

Nusa Tenggara Timur


Pulau Kepa ,

85851 Alor Kecil

Kecematan Alor Barat Laut



PHONE : +62 81 353 709 719

Kasawari Lembeh Resort - Bitung

Welcome to the Lembeh Strait, North Sulawesi, Indonesia - home of pygmy seahorses, hairy frogfish, stargazers, wunderpuses, Rhinopias - and where there’s great diving all year round.

Kasawari Lembeh Resort, only one-and-a-half hours from Manado Airport, is located right in the center of the Lembeh Strait, giving visitors easy access to most dive sites in the area within minutes, whether for muck, reef or wreck diving.

Kasawari offers discerning divers a new level of diving and lifestyle experience right in the heart of the Lembeh Strait – the world’s capital of underwater critters, where the underwater world boasts some of the richest marine biodiversity on earth.

Kasawari is a boutique lifestyle dive resort that has been designed with complete facilities and services for divers looking for a touch of luxury and personalized, safe and hassle-free diving. The compact layout of the resort and its facilities specifically caters for divers and serious photographers.

Ten luxurious villas, a beachfront infinity-edge swimming pool with its built-in jacuzzi, superb cuisine served at our upper level restaurant, a  large camera room with individual work-stations, a beachfront dive center with hyper-filtration filling system and special after-dive massage menus - all supported by the services of Kasawari’s friendly and hospitable staff - contribute to make Kasawari the perfect base to enjoy safe and relaxing diving in the Lembeh Strait.

Kasawari Lembeh Resort, Kelurahan Makawidey Jaga 1 Lingkungan 1, Bitung Timur, Bitung, North Sulawesi 95528, Indonesia E-Mail:info@kasawari-lembeh.com




Pada mulanya milik keluarga besar dr. H Maskawan Mustofa. melihat sumber daya air panas yang melimpah ruah di Cipanas serta didorong oleh keinginan untuk berpartisipasi menyehatkan masyarakat, beliau kemudian mendirikan sebuah klinik fisioterapi. seiring dengan perkembangan waktu, berkembang pula fungsi klinik ini menjadi tempat periistirahatan bagi mereka yang berobat yang berasal dari luar kota. tanpa didasari pengetahuan pariwisata, beliau akhirnya menambah sarana kliniknya berupa beberapa buah kamar.

Ukun (Rahmat Syukur Maskawan) yang anak bungsu dari 12 bersaudara putra putri dr. H. Maskawan mustofa ini, menggabungkan keinginan ayahnya itu dengan dunia pariwisata. Dengan berbekal ilmu yang diperolehnya di Nasional Hotel Institut Bandung, di tahun 1975-1980 dan pengalaman di Holland American Cruises (2 tahun), ia bersama saudara-saudaranya meneruskan pembangunan penginapan yang telah dirintis ayahnya itu. pada permulaan di tahun 1981, Kampung Sumber Alam (dulu bernama " Hotel Sumber Alam Village") masih memiliki 18 buah kamar ukun memulainya dengan membenahi sumber daya manusia yang dimilikinya sehingga terbentuk sebuah tim kerja yang solid.

Ditahun 1984 dengan 18 buah kamar (10 kamar dan 8 bungalow) yang dimiliki, aktifitas di hotel ini meningkat pesat, sehingga Ukun merasa perlu untuk merekrut manajer yang profesional. seorang temannya yang sudah lama berkecimpung di PHRI dan berpengalaman kerja di Jerman ia meminta untuk menjadi manajer. pasca pembangunan kafetaria di tahun 1987 usaha jasa akomodasi telah berkembang menjadi 21 buah kamar (10 kamar dan 11 bungalow) serta rumah makan dan mengalami peningkatan yang cukup bagus dengan tingkat hunian kamar mencapai di atas 80%.

Jl. Raya Cipanas 122 Garut, Jawa Barat Indonesia

Email :Guestofficer@kampungsumberalam.com

Website : www.kampungsumberalam.com

Phone : [0262] 237700-238000 Faks : 232569

Kampung Sampireun - Garut

Dewasa ini para wisatawan berpeluang memiliki pengalaman yang unik  atas keindahan dan keajaiban “Tanah Parahyangan “ kehangatan Kampung Sampireun.

Kampung Sampireun tempat dimana keindahan dan uniknya kebudayaan adalah merupakan hal yang biasa.

Melewati hari tanpa melakukan apapun,

Istirahat di Bale Bengong……..

Menikmati keheningan di Kampung Sampireun  merupakan simponi keindahan yang nyata.

Datang dan nikmati banyaknya keajaiban moment yang ada lebih dari sekedar kesenangan di Kampung Sampireun.

Kampung Sampireun memaksimalkan penggunaan setting alami.

Sekali lagi, arsitekturnya ala masyarakat dulu.

Namun tetap menggunakan sarana listrik.

Sekarang ini Kampung Sampireun memberikan penghargaan kepada para tamunya dengan menciptakan perpaduan kenikmatan antara kesegaran dan keindahan.


Hotel Sibayak - Berastagi

Welcome to our homepage and feel free to explore the refreshing moments brought to you from the cool mountain resort of Berastagi, within the Karo Highlands, on the island of Sumatera, in the culture-rich country of Indonesia.

City Sales/Reservations Office

202 Jalan Gandhi

Medan 20214

North Sumatera


Telephone (62-61) 734-2882

Fax (62-61) 736-9979

Hotel address

Jln Merdeka, Berastagi, North Sumatera, Indonesia

Telephone (62-628) 91-301

Fax (62-628) 91-307

Electronic mail 

Reservations: res+hotelsibayak.com

Sales: sales+hotelsibayak.com

Marketing: mktg+hotelsibayak.com

Webmaster: admin+hotelsibayak.com

Hotel Holiday Resort - Senggigi

The Holiday Resort Lombok is a tranquil resort nestled between lush tropical mountains and pristine beaches. Accommodations include garden chalets, ocean view rooms, beach bungalows and family apartment. The swimming pool, surrounded by landscaped garden, the spa, gourmet restaurants and a comfortable bar ensure an unforgettable holiday experience.

30 minutes from Selaparang Airport

5 minute from Senggigi tourist and shopping area

40 km to both Rinjani and Sire golf course

5 km to Batu Bolong Hindu Temple

20 km to Mayura water palace

25 km to Banyumulek pottery village

1,5 hours to Gili Island

Plus a host of other places of inters within

60 minutes drive

Holiday Resort Lombok

Senggigi Beach, Lombok Indonesia

Phone : +62 0370 693444

Fax : +62 370 693092, 693094

Email : reservationmgr@holidayresort-lombok.com

Hotel Highland Resort - Tomohon

Banyak orang beranggapan bahwa Sulawesi Utara merupakan tempat utama untuk diving dan snorkelling. Taman Laut Nasional Bunaken, Bangka, Selat Lembeh dan kepulauan Sangihe-Talaud benar-benar dikenal dunia sebagai surga bawah air. Tetapi sebenarnya, Sulawesi Utara lebih dari itu. Mengunjungi Manado tanpa menyediakan waktu untuk menelusuri kecantikan kawasan pegunungan Minahasa berarti Anda mengabaikan satu bagian penting dari atraksi-aktraksi luar biasa negeri ini. Bahkan jika Anda bukan penyelam sekalipun, Anda akan dengan mudah menghabiskan waktu berminggu-minggu untuk menghayati kecantikan dan keunikan Sulawesi Utara. Kami memiliki tempat yang ideal untuk dijadikan basis Anda dalam menelusuri Minahasa, apakah selama beberapa hari ataupun berminggu-minggu.

Resort kami yang unik menawarkan sebuah tempat peristirahatan yang sejuk, jauh dari panas tropis,dan tempat yang tenang untuk bersantai serta untuk menikmati keanekaragaman tumbuhan dan satwa yang menghiasi pegunungan.

Hotel Harris Resort - Batam

Welcome to Harris Resort Batam! - Batam Island, Indonesia

A friendly resort facing the strait of Singapore and the seaview with spacious accommodation and giant free form swimming pool. Strategic destination, perfect for holidays with children or business purposes.

Just 40 minutes away from Singapore Harbour Front Centre to Batam Island, Indonesia

HARRIS Hotels & Resorts

tel: + 62 21 5296 0490   fax: + 62 21 5296 0491

Email: info@harris-hotels.com

Hotel Grand Zuri - Dumai

The forth Hotel in Hotel Grand Zuri Group Family is become the tallest building and the landmark of Dumai City with our motto " we know how to please you".

We will value your money and your stay will be memorable one exclusively this is the real 3 star Hotel in Dumai

Hotel Grand Zuri Dumai

Jl Jend Sudirman No.88 Dumai








Hotel Grand Mutiara - Berastagi

Mejuah Juah..

Welcome to Grand Mutiara Hotel Berastagi.

Welcome to Tanah Karo Simalem, the ethnic area located in the top of the hill. It's only ± 65 km from the central capital city of North Sumatra Indonesia.

The Karonese people are warm and full of traditional etiquettes, welcoming people and ready to bring you to warm and quiet place.

The mount of Sibayak and Sinabung are the great symbol of North Sumatra. Stand in part of Bukit Barisan which spread from Lampung to Aceh.

Its beautiful Sipiso-piso waterfall and warm place at Tongging that is part of the Lake Toba also bring us to the greatest nature place in Northern side of Sumatra Island.

We present the only great five star hotel located in Berastagi. 

Selasa, 16 Desember 2008

Hotel Grand Jatra - Pekanbaru

Grand Jatra Hotel berlokasi di Pekanbaru, tepatnya di ibu kota Provinsi Riau, Indonesia. Dari Bandara Sultan Syarif Kasim II hanya diperlukan?20 menit perjalanan. Di Grand Jatra Hotel Anda akan mendapatkan pelayanan baik dan suasana keramahtamahan sesuai dengan kultur masyarakat Melayu dan juga dipadukan dengan internasional standar hotel berbintang lima (5), dengan sambutan yang sangat baik dan ramah sejak tiba di bandara.

Kota Pekanbaru saat ini sudah berkembang pesat dan merupakan salah satu pusat perdagangan di pulau Sumatra.


Jl. Tengku Zainal Abidin No.1

Komplek Mal Pekanbaru

Pekanbaru 28116, Indonesia

Phone : +62 761 850888

Fax : +62 761 850999


Hotel Gran Puri - Manado

Is a place to find the harmony

between your body and soul.
By a tropical treatment processes
themselves unravel yet more exotic
sensations. And...is an unisex spa.

Both beauticians and masseuses offer the traditional "Mandi Lulur", 
a wonderfully rejuvenating experience including traditional massage, a soothing tropical
floral bath, aroma and
music therapy.

Hotel Gracia - Subang

PT. Puri Wisata Tangkuban Parahu pada awalnya didirikan untuk membangun sebuah Guest House yang dapat menampung tamu-tamu dan teknisi-teknisi asing yang merupakan mitra dari Komisaris perusahaan ataupun untuk keperluan annual/monthly meeting dan pertemuan-pertemuan lainnya.

Namun dengan berbagai pertimbangan rencana pembangunan Guest House dengan peruntukkan seperti di atas, dinilai tidak efisien, maka di bentuklah Graha Ciater Spa disingkat Gracia Spa yang bergerak di bidang Pariwisata berupa Resort hotel, Restaurant, dan Hot Spring Water, dimana resort hotel ini terbuka untuk umum.

Oleh Direktur Perusahaan diusulkan untuk membangun sebuah resort hotel yang lokasinya di sebelah utara kota Bandung yang jauh dari kebisingan kota. Atas dasar usulan tersebut akhirnya diputuskan lokasi perusahaan ditetapkan di Blok Dauan, kampung Cikondang, desa Ciater, kabupaten Subang.

Lahan ini semula merupakan semak belukar, hutan bambu yang tidak produktif dan tidak terurus. Pembebasan tanah ini memerlukan waktu yang cukup lama yakni dari tahun 1989 s/d 1994.Pematangan lahan dimulai pada tahun 1993 sedangkan pematangan lahan jalan di hutan bambu, yang merupakan HGU  PT. Perkebunan Nusantara VIII Jawa Barat, dilaksanakan tahun 1994.

Gangga Island Resort - Manado

On the tip of a small island near Manado in North Sulawesi, Indonesia, lies Gangga Island Resort & Spa. The resort's fifteen wooden bungalows are discreetly set on the edge of a long, white sand beach in the shade of coconut trees.

An unparalleled scuba diving experience is waiting for you at Gangga! Gangga offers sensational diving where you can get up close and personal with diverse and remarkable sea life from both the Indian and the Pacific Oceans. The resort is an ideal starting point for the diving sites of Bangka Island, Bunaken National Marine Park and Lembeh Strait, making it a favorite destination for underwater photographers.

For both divers and non-divers the picturesque white sand beach, the large salt-water pool, a traditional spa and the high quality of service at Gangga Island Resort will guarantee a peaceful and relaxing stay.

Hotel Formosa - Batam

Formosa Hotel is conveniently located in Nagoya, Batam Island, Heart of Business, Shopping Centre and the famous night life of Nagoya City.

This Three-Star Hotel is only steps away from the city's Shopping Attractions and many Restaurants. You can take a pleasant stroll along the street where colorfull shops and mouth watering food awaits to be discovered.


Hotel Dyan Graha - Pakannaru

The Dyan Graha Hotel is a three plus stars hotel, it offers the amenity and the luxurious of international standard facilities for the guests while staying at the hotel like restaurant, bar, music lounge, meeting and conference facilities, laundry service, public phone, fitness centre, massage, swimming pool, and business centre.

The Dyan Graha Hotel has 75 rooms and suites. There are many choices of rooms to fit the needs of the guest from Deluxe, Superior, and Junior Suite and 24 hours room services facility.

The Hotel located at the heart of Pekanbaru, and set in the centre of shopping and economic district. The Hotel can be reached from Sultan Syarief Qasim II Airport with in 15 minutes.

Hotel Dynasty - Purwokerto

Purwokerto merupakan salah satu kota penting di Jawa Tengah. Dalam dunia pariwisata Kota Purwokerto menawarkan banyak jenis kultur budaya dan keindahan alamnya.

Dynasty Hotel hadir untuk memberikan kenyamanan istirahat anda dengan letak yang strategis ditengah kota.

Link Cepat Fasilitas Dynasty Hotel

  • 119 Luxurious Room
  • Imperial Restaurant
  • Cheers! Cafe
  • Tango Discotheque
  • Lips Karaoke
  • Dynasty Convention Centre
  • Marcopolo Health Centre

Hotel Dian Otomosi - Nias

Dian Otomosi Hotel terletak di Pulau Nias, Sumatera Utara. Berada sekitar 3 KM dari pusat Kota Gunungsitoli, membuat lokasi hotel Dian Otomosi tidak terlalu jauh dan tidak juga terlalu dekat. posisi lokasi yang tidak terletak langsung di pinggir jalan melainkan berjarak sekitar 20 meter, menjadikan hotel ini jauh dari kebisingan. Bangunan hotel langsung bersebelahan dengan laut. sehingga jika merasa jenuh, pengunjung bisa bersantai di restorant hotel yang berada di pinggir laut. Bukan hanya itu, pinggir laut yang dikelilingi karang juga memungkinkan untuk memancing dan menyelam (Snorkling). Untuk kegiatan olah raga, hotel menyediakan tenis meja dan lapangan badminton.

Dian Otomosi Hotel memberikan anda lebih dari sekedar ruang tidur, tetapi juga suasana indah, nyaman, dan bersih. Selamat datang, kami akan memenuhi harapan anda.


Desa Dunia Beda Lombok Barat

Desa Dunia Beda
Beach resort. Gili Trawangan, Lombok Barat, Nusatenggara Barat.

Hotel Danau Toba International

Welcome - Selamat Datang!...

to Hotel Danau Toba International (HDTI) - Medan, North Sumatra - Indonesia

Short Description

This 4-star hotel is a short distance from Polonia Airport. It has a superb swimming pool, coffee shop, Java, Japanese and Chinese restaurant, discotheque-music lounge and a fitness centre with a tennis court. The adjacent "Executive Residence" is provided with all modern conveniences.

How can I be there?

You can get our special service with our facilities at here > Online Reservation

Who's The Bands?

You have to know our home band at our highlights entertainment!. Please check it and get to know now!

Carolina Beach Resort Padang

Welcome to Carolina Beach...!

We are located in the beautiful Bungus Bay, 20km south of Padang, West Sumatra,  Indonesia. 

If you are looking for a nice and quite place to relax on the beach or tropical islands then we will be the right choice for you.

Not enough of just relaxing on the beach? we can arrange also some other activities for you like: snorkeling, diving, fishing, rafting,  surfing or trekking in Mentawai Island or tour programs.

come as a guest & leave as a friend ....!

at Carolina Beach Resort

Hotel Bintang Senggigi

Lombok island is tropical paradise with magnificent stretches of nature beach, Excellent diving and snorkeling off the three coral ringed Gili islands and traditional natives villages, Ancient temple and palaces. Mount Rinjani dominant Lombok with high peak and two miles wide caldera.

Bintang Senggigi Hotel

Jalan Raya Senggigi, Desa Batu Layar, Mataram 83010 - Lombok Indonesia

Phone : (62 - 370) 693 570, 69371, 69375

Fax : (62 - 370) 693 186

E-mail : sales@bintangsenggigihotel.com

Hotel Bintan Agro Beach Resort

Bintan Agro Beach Resort is located in the eastern part of the Bintan Island. Enjoy Exciting and Breathtaking sceneries of the beach with pal trees, white sands and blue water.

Have a wonderful taste of our warm hospitality and the refined comforts of our resort. Enjoy and exciting game of beach volley ball, or an adventurous windsurfing ride . Take a short ferry trip to the white sands island just across our Resort or a fun banana boat ride with you friends. You might even fancy a kayak ride on your own or with a partner.

Hotel Welcome To Bali

Balihotdeals.com presents the best value in lodging and activities for your Bali vacation. Balihotdeals.com is able to offer the best available rates for Bali hotels, vacation villas, bungalows, car rental, tours, and activities. You will thoroughly enjoy our magical, mystical island of Bali.

The Balihotdeals.com staff is in daily contact with Bali Hotels, Resorts, and Luxury Villas. We are instantly aware of promotional opportunities, seasonal rates and specials. We then post them on our Balihotdeals.com web site so that you can take immediate advantage of these HOT DEALS!

Whether you want to enjoy water sports, hiking, biking, rafting, sightseeing, dining shopping or relaxing Balihotdeals.com is the right place for you.

Hotel Murah - Bali

Pusat informasi hotel murah dan penginapan murah di Bali untuk anda yang yang sedang merencanakan liburan di pulau Bali

Bali Hotel Murah, situs yang menyediakan informasi tarif hotel murah atau penginapan murah di Bali yang ada di berbagai area wisata seperti hotel murah di Kuta, hotel murah di Nusa Dua, hotel murah di Ubud, penginapan murah di Sanur serta sarana akomodasi di tempat wisata lainnya di Bali

Senin, 15 Desember 2008

Hotel Arumbai - Biak

Arumbai is a clean, budget friendly place from which our visitors can base their fascinating Biak experience. We also know what travelling on a budget demands; a safe location and in addition to our amenities, a variety of shops, supermarkets, grocery stores, internet café and other essential services such as banks all close by. This is because our location is like no other, right in the heart of the city. Situated at Jalan Selat Makassar No. 3, this very central location is just 10 minutes from the airport and in addition to all the services mentioned a 24 hour pharmacy is just around the corner from us. Yet, Biak is remote enough to really let you get away from it all....

Hotel Aman Gati - Sumbawa

The garden at Aman Gati Hotel are explosion of colour and life, a rampage of tropical greenery and blooming flowers. And like your home, the gardens are here for your pleasure. The community also caters for families, couples and a wide range of water activities. Our 24 hours security ensures that you are safe and sound around the clock..

Villa Almarik - Lombok

Welcome to Villa Almarik-Indonesia has over 16,000 islands; come and experience one of the most beautiful of them. If you've been dreaming of white sand beaches and clear blue water, look no further - you've found it -

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